BibleMax DouayRheims Bible 1.0
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BibleMax DouayRheims Bible 1.0

Free BibleMax add-in featuring Douay-Rheims Bible translation
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award
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BibleMax is free software that lets you read and study the Holy Bible and other Christian texts from the convenience of your computer desktop. One of its many advantages is the fact that you can download and install many modules for enhancing your Bible-reading experience, like devotionals, references, commentaries, and different Bible versions, including translations to different languages, like Spanish, French, German and so on. One of the most important English versions is the Douay-Rheims, which is a direct translation from the Latin Vulgate, a translation from Greek and Hebrew texts made by St. Jerome in the 5th. century. In 1546, the Vulgate was declared the only official translation by the Catholic Church. The Douay-Rheims English translation was first published between 1582 and 1610, and is one of the most widely used by English-speaking Catholics. One of the main differences between this and other English version is that Douay-Rheims includes the seven Deutero-Cannonical books (Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiaticus, Baruch and Machabees 1 and 2), considered as Aphocrypha by Protestants and excluded from other English versions like King James'. This would be very useful for those who want to compare the Catholic version of the Bible with those used by other Christian denominations. This module only works with BibleMax software, so you have to download and install the core program before using this module.

VH Senior editor
Victor Hernandez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Useful, comprehensive, free


  • It only works with BibleMax software



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  • French catholic bible